Rafał Dziemidok
Rafał Dziemidok - born 1971, dancer, actor and choreographer.
Danced with Dada von Bzdulow (Gdańsk), Gdański Teatr Tańca, Compagnie Yvette Bozsik (Budapest). Since 1997 has worked independently.
Improvisation coach.
Apart from independent work, he choreographs and performs in theatre, opera and film and in independent, multidisciplinary projects.
Cofounder of KONCENTRAT Artistic Group (since 2005).
Ewa Garniec
Ewa Garniec - born 1980. Applied art, lighting anf theatre space designer.
She designs lights for theatre, dance, exhibitions and concerts.
She also runs light design workshops. She lits homes, clubs and cafes. She designs and manufactures lamps.
Ewa is a lecturer at Warsaw Theatre Academy.
Cofounder of KONCENTRAT Artistic Group (since 2005).
Anka Jankowska
Bartosz Figurski
Oliver Schneller
Raphael Rogi ński
Petra Korink
Karol Tymiński
Mirosław Zbrojewicz
Monika Świtaj
Krzysztof Skolimowski
Aleksandra Ścibor
Daniel AlmgrenRecén
Florian Bücking
Agata Ambrozińska-Rachuta
Raisa Kröger
Anna Steller
Michele Meloni
Ahmed Soura
Dj Nobis
Magda Jędra
Takako Matsuda
Irad Mazliah
Agnieszka Noster
Nicole Seiler
Jacek Owczarek
Izabela Szostak
Piotr Chudzicki
Gauthier Dedieu
Pawel Grala
Tatiana Kamieniecka