2MORELESS - description:
Paralleled worlds - microcosm of mind
Distance is shrinking when we look into each others eyes. We fly high up and diffuse with no fear - because we are aware of our unity.
Two beings, contradictive but equivalent at the same time, are constantly testing their influence on each other. There are no time borders because time does not exist in their microcosm. Space is closing around them mercilessly.
Thin membrane separating day from night became their meeting point. They would like to understand one another. Although their behaviors are always opposed to their longings. Their mutual emotions are powerful but incomprehensible.
Practicing final advantage, they grasp desperately to every single proof of their own power. In those analyses they act carefully and brutal at the same moment: look into the eyes of The Other may cause understanding that can be a final end.
They crave to dare enough to understand each other.
We took this subject under consideration, because it seemed to us universal and substantial. Self-destruction merged from denial to actual state. Duality in unity, but when duality does not appear in black and white. One part of our existence that follows the flow and the other that judges synthetically and criticizes intellectually. None of the two beings is homogeneous; they both include elements of that Second One.
We ask ourselves whether they fight or try to change each other, or only observe and experience painfully.
Can they cooperate jointly in the state of common survival?
What does space of their existence mean to them?
What does time means for them?
Does their world have a time limit?
Apparently they do not seek any solution or conclusion, though there are breaking points in their coexistence.
Spectator finds them during specific rituals, tests and dialogues, that state for it selves.
Choreography: Anka Jankowska, Rafał Dziemidok
Dance: Anka Jankowska, Rafał Dziemidok
Light design: Ewa Garniec
Music: Michał Zybert, Marek Kałuszka, Piotr Staniszewski
Production: eferte Funacja Rozwoju Tańca, wolna strefa, Dom Wojska Polskiego with the support of Mokotów Disrtict of the City of Warsaw
Prodcution manager: Anna Piotrowska
Media patronage: wolna strefa, independent.pl
Press premiere:19 Nov 2005, Dom Wojska Polskiego
Premiere 14 Dec 2005, Teatr Mały, Warszawa
Special thanks to Staromiejskiego Domu Kultury in Warsaw.