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NAWROTNIK - opis spektaklu: 

Traveler and pipe explorer. Seeker. Surveyor. Nawrotnik.
Backer. Packer.

Nawrotniks live in different variety of ambiences, with one precondition - the space must be complex. Their specific comprehension and a great number of dimensions cause incapability of existence in single multifarious spaces.

Multi-complex spaces in Nawrotnik's thinking signify diversified dimensions of a certain space that can be unlimitedly detected. That is why Nawrotniks delight in dwelling such spaces as train stations, restaurant's kitchens, hospitals...

Nawrotniks do not live in herds. They lead single life without awareness of their own species. This aspect of Nawrotnik's existence is exclusively visible while two, or more exemplars of that species meet.

Nawrotniks do not reflect in matter, only in space. However this does not mean they do not care about appearance - they constantly mirror and examine themselves. Nawrtoniks move from one place to another, and freeze in analyzing their reflections. They move further. Search. The more multiplexed the space is the more intense Nawrotnik resides in it.

There is neither beginning nor end of the journey for the Nawrotnik. It is even incorrect to call its form of life "a journey". This is not a nomadic instinct that moves Nawrotnik from one place to the other. It is it's existence. 


Choreography and direction: Anka Jankowska, Rafał Dziemidok

Dance: Magdalena Jędra

Space:  Ewa Garniec


Production: Koncentrat with the funds of the City of Warsaw and Ministry of Culture and National Heritage

Partner: Staromiejski Dom Kultury


Premiere: 28, 29, 30 December 2007



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